Creator Portal

Environment Auto-Generation

During the first phase of our project, we have asked our development team to develop and refine the technology where AI can utilize rules & logic inside our code in order to generate a randomized world based on the biome theme chosen by the creator. This auto-generated world will save an enormous amount of time for creators and serve as a good starting point for creators to further customize using World Editor.

In order to successfully implement this auto-generation technology for one biome, our environmental artist would build a smaller pilot environment in this theme. Once the art direction for the current theme has been approved, assets required for this biome are passed to our coding engineers. Our coding engineers will then collaborate with our environmental artists in building coding logic on the requirements for recreation of the approved biome.

Currently, at the time of launch of the game client executable, our team will look to have available 6-8 different biomes for creators to choose from in order to have a good starting point prior to further world customization. As our platform looks to grow, a core part of our team will continue to improve the amount of environmental assets in our environmental asset library as well as implementing more diverse biomes & world themes into this auto-generation technology.

Environmental Asset Library

Our environmental asset library will contain all the digital assets that allow creators to build the terrain, landscape, and building structures. These assets include categories such as: terrain textures, grass, foliage, rocks, trees, singular buildings and modular buildings.

Access to this environmental asset library will be divided into tiers, starting at the Basic or Free tier. In this access level, creators will have enough assets to create some of the most common biomes and common modular buildings. However, rare biomes as well as rare modular buildings will only be available when creators have premium level of access, which can be obtained via a subscription purchase, owning rare lands, or owning special digital assets which grant the required access level. Premium access levels will grant the ability to utilize top quality assets created by world-renowned studios such as our digital asset creator partner, Leartes Studios.

One important feature of our environmental asset library is intellectual property rights and IP protection. We are highly protective of our creators’ hard work. Therefore, we will look to implement a strict governance system regarding intellectual property rights protection. Once a creator has registered a unique digital asset with our ecosystem, similar works created by others that violate our IP protection standards will warrant removal of the impersonators’ assets. Repeated offenses will result in potential bans of impersonators’ accounts. We highly believe that strict IP protection will result in a healthy & thriving creator economy where creativity and hard work is rightfully compensated. This will also attract talented artists and continue to grow our creator platform. This will also stimulate owners, studios, and communities in wanting to create custom assets in different & unique themes on our platform in order to register IP protection of such assets. Revenue streams resulting from the consumption/usage of such digital assets will result in royalty payments to the registered IP holders.

World Editor

Our world editor engine is made with a simplistic & innovative UI design to allow for normal individuals to be able to utilize professional grade tools for further customization of the world’s terrain, landscape and environmental buildings. Creators will be able to raise/lower terrain, create ramps, change terrain texture, carve out lakes, add/remove trees, grass, rocks, draw/remove roads, fences, paths, as well as changing other parameters such as the sky, time of day and ocean appearance.

World editor feature will be available for all users on our platform in order to allow anyone to become a creator. However, participants who do not own land or a digital patent called “creator patent” will not be able to access the world editor past the free trial period. During the free trial period, non-permanent creators are not able to save their finished blueprints onto our backend data storage system. This will disallow these blueprints from being able to be issued as tradeable NFTs.

One incredibly innovative aspect of the world editor engine is the ability to update the land NFT’s representative image on secondary marketplaces. Once a creator has finished editing the environment of a land, he/she can then choose the “update image” function and travel inside this crafted world and snap a new representative image which will replace the old representative image of this land NFT on secondary marketplaces. This feature is also a premium feature that will have its cost tied to WBITS token utility.

Environmental Blueprints

Environmental blueprints are essentially save data files of all the information and assets stored inside of a world’s terrain, landscape and structural buildings. Once uploaded to our platform’s backend data storage system, these environmental blueprints can be issued as a tradeable NFT on our decentralized asset exchange. Owner of a blueprint NFT has a choice to either sell or rent it out. If another user buys or rents a blueprint NFT, this new blueprint will then appear in the inventory of the new owner or renter. The new owner or renter will be able to apply the blueprint NFT onto a land and reconstruct exactly all the information and assets that were stored on that blueprint. Rented blueprints are non-modifiable to provide a layer of IP protection for the original creator.

Game Creator

Our Game Creator is the engine that allows for creators to choose different game templates and customize modularized logic assets of a game template. Our goal with the Game Creator is to allow for near total freedom in game logic customization in order to create unique and diverse experiences.

Sometimes, players have participated in game experiences where they felt could have been improved if certain game design logic were slightly tweaked. Some parts of a certain level are too hard or too easy. Some locations of traps or enemies were too simple or too difficult. Our Game Creator engine aim to allow our creators to freely adjust these modularized assets, settings and parameters in order to constantly improve the gaming experience for players. For an example, based on our existing zombie survival template, creators can: choose the biome of the map, choose fitting theme for zombies, change/increase/decrease the location of zombies, enable zombie re-spawning, change zombie spawn frequency, modify zombie health, change location of ammo/supply drops, modify weapon damage, modify player’s health and many other details pertaining to game logic.

On top of this, creator is able to freely modify the game mode from singleplayer to multiplayer and controls how many players get to enter a multiplayer game instance at any one time, up to the maximum amount of players that the chosen game template allows for. This will allow for creators to fully control the monetization model of a non-gaming or gaming experience.

Logic blueprints

Logic blueprints are essentially save data files of all the information and assets stored inside of an environmental blueprint, combined with all the information and assets associated with the game logic of a game template. Once uploaded to our platform’s backend data storage system, these logic blueprints can be issued as a tradeable NFT on our decentralized asset exchange. Owner of a blueprint NFT has a choice to either sell or rent it out. If another user buys or rents a blueprint NFT, this new blueprint will then appear in the inventory of the new owner or renter. The new owner or renter will be able to apply the blueprint NFT onto a land and reconstruct exactly all the information and assets that were stored on that blueprint. Rented blueprints are non-modifiable to provide a layer of IP protection for the original creator. Furthermore, environmental data will not be extractable from a logic blueprint.

Custom Asset Creator

In our development roadmap, we aim to allow for any participant in our platform to create or modify their own digital assets and upload this asset onto our platform’s data storage system. However, we can also imagine how incredibly taxing on the storage system’s capacity this action would cause, not accounting for the different systemic abuse and negligence that can result from this feature. Therefore, in the beginning, we will only allow for complete freedom in asset customization & creation to be available to only our “verified creators”. These verified creators will initially be chosen from our list of partner asset creators or renowned artists in the community. Once our platform has scaled up, can provide enough personnel as well as stringent approval guidelines, we will allow community members to create & submit fully customized assets.

Last updated